Unravelling 2023: A Comprehensive Breakdown of the UK Social Media Landscape

In the throbbing heart of the digital age, social media is more than a mere platform; it’s an indispensable tool, a conduit for brands seeking to engage with their audience in meaningful ways. As a leading Manchester PR agency and marketing agency, Hivemind Creative Marketing offers an enlightening journey through the buzzing hive that is the 2023 UK social media landscape.

Britons, contrary to their reputed reserve, adore social media. A staggering 67% of the population is active on these platforms, the average British social media enthusiast juggles seven accounts and spends nearly two hours daily in this virtual world. This passion for social media presents a colossal opportunity for brands to connect with their customers.

When it comes to popular platforms in the UK, Instagram reigns supreme. Among British Instagram users, 83% use the platform to discover new products and services, 53% follow brands based on content, and 87% take action, such as purchasing or researching products. YouTube holds sway as the most popular platform, and 71% of UK adults can be reached via Facebook ads. As your trusted Manchester marketing agency, Hivemind emphasises the importance of weaving social media into your UK content strategy.

Remember, not all social media users are created equal. The platform and strategy chosen hinge on the demographic you’re targeting. For example, 42% of social media users are aged 18-34. For targeting those aged 35 and above, Facebook is a popular choice. Conversely, Gen Z, the digital natives, spend a hefty chunk of their daily three hours on mobile devices on social media.

As social media marketers, understanding gender behaviour on these platforms is crucial. Female users are more likely to have social media accounts. However, men also present a promising opportunity, and multi-channel marketing strategies can help brands effectively engage with both.

Brands that nailed their UK social media campaigns include Spotify and Mango. Spotify used customer data to craft humorous “goals” ads, while Mango leveraged influencers to magnify their digital presence.

In an environment where laws around social media usage are developing, the Advertising Standards Authority’s guidance that marketing communications on websites and social networks should adhere to the same principles as other media is noteworthy.

In this labyrinth of rules, trends, and tactics, partnering with a local PR and marketing agency is instrumental. A Manchester PR agency, like Hivemind Creative Marketing, brings to the table the necessary expertise and deep understanding of the local market. Likewise, working with proficient social media marketers is critical as they understand the intricate dynamics of various platforms and can help craft a social media strategy bespoke to your brand.

In essence, social media is an integral component of engaging with the UK audience. Brands must tune into the preferences of different age demographics and genders. Collaborating with a Manchester PR agency, a Manchester marketing agency, and expert social media marketers is key to successfully tapping into the UK market. Hivemind Creative Marketing, as your trusted marketing agency in Manchester, is adept at providing the tools and strategies required to excel in the vibrant UK social media space. With us, you’re not just staying abreast of the trends; you’re setting them.